Defectors and other heirs of ashes in Milton Hatoum




Milton Hatoum, strangeness, defector


The figure of the defector, conceptualized here based on works by Pierre Bourdieu  and Martine Leibovici, has a strong presence in the literary work of Milton Hatoum. In his first three novels, written in a sequence, with elements of continuity from one to another, we will observe a few characters, including the narrators, as this figure who transits between crucial existential dramas, such as orphanhood, bastardy, family lineage, and several forms of strangeness - whether as a foreigner in a host country, a “stranger in the nest” of the family where he or she is born or welcomed, or in other ways of interacting in the world and with the Other. Beings in transit or flight, some of Hatoum’s characters then allow us to show the strangeness, which is sometimes a mirror of our country, and to observe how they encounter, each in their own unexpected way of moving on.


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Author Biography

Luciana Persice Nogueira-Pretti, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro / Brasil

Professora Adjunta do Setor de Francês, ILE


BHABHA, Homi K. O local da cultura. Belo Horizonte, Ed. UFMG, 1998.
BOURDIEU, Pierre. As contradições da herança. In: NOGUEIRA, Maria Alice e CATANI, Afrânio (Orgs.). Pierre Bourdieu. Escritos de educação. Petrópolis: Ed. Vozes, p.231-237, 2007.
HATOUM, Milton. Dois irmãos. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2000.
HATOUM, Milton. Cinzas do Norte. São Paulo: Companhia das letras, 2005.
HATOUM, Milton. Entrevista. Conexões Abril Cultural, 2009. Disponível em Acesso em 23/06/2020.
HATOUM, Milton. Relato de um certo Oriente. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008 (1989).
LEIBOVICI, Martine. De Ricœur à Foucault: en finir avec l'herméneutique de soi? Quand transfuges et parias racontent leur vie, Tumultes, n°43, p.107-121, 2014. Disponível em Acesso em 24/06/2020.



How to Cite

Nogueira-Pretti, L. P. (2021). Defectors and other heirs of ashes in Milton Hatoum. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(3), 55–74.



Dossier – The transfuge: migration and transgression in literature