Mirrors of the Universe

Perspectives Within Borges and Calvino’s Literature





Borges, Calvino, fantastic , sign , loss


This paper presents an analysis of two short stories of the fantastic genre: “O Aleph” (O Aleph, 1949), by Jorge Luis Borges, and “Um sinal no espaço” (Cosmicômicas, 1965), by Italo Calvino. Whereas the Borgian tale brings a view of the universe through a small magical object, a microcosm, in Calvino’s narrative, according to another perspective, the macrocosm is glimpsed. In Borges, the vision is contemplated through the I-other relationships, in a loving triangulation of writing characters. In “Um sinal no espaço”, the relations take place on the I-Other plan – the symbolic, the language –, because it is about literary and imaginary signs. Thereafter, the universe of inexorable loss is contemplated via literature.


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How to Cite

Bortolini, N. S. (2021). Mirrors of the Universe : Perspectives Within Borges and Calvino’s Literature. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(1), 291–312. https://doi.org/10.35699/2317-2096.2021.24316