Slam and the Right to the City

Notes From Slam da Guilhermina and Slam Resistência


  • Vima Lia de Rossi Martin Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo/Brasil
  • André de Godoy Bueno Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo/Brasil



slam, right to the city, Slam da Guilhermina, Slam Resistência


This article focuses on the literary movement known as poetry slam in dialogue with the notion of right to the city. Through the analysis of the action principles of the Slam da Guilhermina and Slam Resistência, we observe how these collectives represent plural ideas of occupation and appropriation of physical and social spaces, consolidating themselves as events that promote the right to live literary and socio- cultural experiences at São Paulo’s downtown and periphery. In this sense, this paper verifies that both events have been transforming the relations of poets and regulars with the urban space to which they belong and in which they transit.


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How to Cite

Martin, V. L. de R., & Bueno, A. de G. (2021). Slam and the Right to the City: Notes From Slam da Guilhermina and Slam Resistência. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(4), 51–71.



Dossier: Culture and Public Spaces