Decentralized Northeast

About Some Figures of Contemporary Poetry




Contemporary poetry, Poetry in portuguese language, Geophilosophy


Drawing upon debates on the shifting relationship between thought and the land, stimulated by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s late concept of geophilosophy, and on historical-political propositions about the discursive and symbolic formation of the Northeast region, this essay addresses the question of how some contemporary poets deal with the paradigms that once guided the artistic production of certain localities to the epithet of regionalist culture and traditionalism. The work of the three poets – Rodrigo Lobo Damasceno, Reuben da Rocha, and Josoaldo Lima Rêgo – will guide the present essay. We argue that their works, which focus specifically on land and territorial issues, lead us to rethink the configuration of the northeastern imagery or even a poetic imaginary that usually not contemplate the mobility and instability of the plans and figures present in their poems.


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How to Cite

Anglada, C. (2021). Decentralized Northeast: About Some Figures of Contemporary Poetry. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(4), 163–185.



Dossier: Culture and Public Spaces