The authoritarian discourse of heteronormative masculinity

a dialogical analysis of Nigerian author Amatesiro Dore’s The day he came



Authoritarian discourse, Heteronormative masculinity, Dialogical theory of the novel, The day he came, Amatesiro Dore


We know that the literary world is a refraction based on the author’s axiological position in relation to the content he/she represents; however, we need to recognize, as Bakhtin warns, the intense interaction there is between the world of art and the world of life. That said, this article analyzed the short story The day he came, aiming to understand the aesthetic project of the author as he represents the authoritarian discourse of heteronormative masculinity, which is present in patriarchal societies and, especially, in those where homosexuality is criminalized as is the case of Nigeria, the home country of Amatesiro Dore. The analysis revealed that the author represents the conflict between homosexuality and patriarchal religious discourse, highlighting that the authoritarian discourse of heteronormative masculinity not only oppresses people who do not follow its ideological patterns, but also creates a hierarchy in which effeminate homosexuals are oppressed by masculinized homosexuals.


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Author Biography

Orison Marden Bandeira de Melo Júnior, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Rio Grande do Norte / Brasil

Orison holds a master's degree in Literature and Literary Criticism and a PhD in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies. He teaches literature in English in the Teacher education program in English and is a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Language Studies of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. His lines of research in the Program are 'The reading and teaching of literature' and 'Poetics of modernity and postmodernity.'


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How to Cite

Melo Júnior, O. M. B. de . (2022). The authoritarian discourse of heteronormative masculinity: a dialogical analysis of Nigerian author Amatesiro Dore’s The day he came. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 32(2). Retrieved from