Writing as an Impasse

Notes on Vidas Secas





narrative, other, representation, Graciliano Ramos, Vidas secas


The study of Vidas secas (Barren lives) enables important reflections on the dilemmas of a literature that aims to bring humanity to people brutalized by the society they live. The work also addresses these dilemmas in the writing, triggering the distance that separates the intellectual from the poor and the difficulty of literarily articulating the voice of the marginalized citizen. In this article, we hypothesize that the novel by Graciliano Ramos works the stalemate between the cultured and illiterate worlds on his narrative instances, form and language, trying to give life and voice to a complex and autonomous other, without neglecting to question literary representation itself.


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How to Cite

Cerqueira, R. (2022). Writing as an Impasse: Notes on Vidas Secas. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 32(1), 80–98. https://doi.org/10.35699/2317-2096.2022.35420



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