Poetry and Performance by the Slammer Bicha Poética

Quilombola Reexistence of Black People, Transvestites and Peripheral Poets



slam, poetry, Bicha Poética, political struggles


The main objective of this article is to elaborate a critical analysis about the poetic text “Santa Maria Mãe de Deus”, by the slammer Poliana Herica, a black poet and transvestite, known by the artistic name Bicha Poética. The poetry selected for analysis is one of her first productions and presents themes that underlie the ethical and aesthetic motivations of the poet and the slams in Ceará (a Brazilian state). The verses denounce racism and LGBTphobia and highlight the resistance and re-existence of black, transvestite and peripheral lives. We also discuss the slammer’s virtual performance when presenting this poetry at the Slam Cúir, at the Festa Literária das Periferias (FLUP), in 2021.


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How to Cite

Santos, S. R. de J. C., & Neves, C. A. de B. (2023). Poetry and Performance by the Slammer Bicha Poética: Quilombola Reexistence of Black People, Transvestites and Peripheral Poets. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 32(4), 57–81. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/article/view/39055



Dossier: Literature and Black Arts in Continuous Dialogues