Once Upon a Time in Venezuela (2020) The atlas of ruin.



ecocritica, cine venezolano, migración, política, Antropoceno, Atlas


The environmental problem has a close link with political activity. The documentary Once upon a time in Venezuela (2020) by Anabel Rodríguez exhibits this relationship, making the visual story coincide, the political migration crisis in Venezuela and the environmental crisis of a palafitte town that will disappear due to sedimentation. In this article I explain how the conception of the Anthropocene proposed by Maldonado (2016), contrasts with the perspective that Cornil (2017) has of the history of Venezuela and with the Andean "new constitutionalism" that incorporates nature as a legal figure. Didi-Huberman's (2011) notion of an atlas, as visual knowledge, serves to organize the analysis of the anachronistic images of the documentary. The reflections around the images, which make up this atlas proposed by Anabel Rodríguez, lead us to ask ourselves about our critical and creative capacities to “postpone the end of the world” as Ailton Krenak (2019) explains


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How to Cite

Arellano, J. (2023). Once Upon a Time in Venezuela (2020) The atlas of ruin. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 33(2), 105–125. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/article/view/40872



Dossiê: Literatura, Artes e mídias: Ecocrítica intermidiática