A Poetics of Permanence in Leonardo Fróes’ Chinês com Sono



Leonardo Fróes, Permanence, Time, Poetry


The present essay assumes a reading of the book Chinês com sono (Sleepy Chinese), by Leonardo Fróes (2005), pointing to a poetics of permanence. This is related to the studies we have been doing about deceleration experienced in literature. Critics like Jonathan Crary (2016) and Rodrigo Turin (2019) discuss the acceleration and monetization of the experience of time in the modern capitalist world. The philosopher Franco Berardi (2020) and critic Rebecca Solnit (2002) point out possible ways of resisting the constant imposition of this accelerated dynamic. The American author tells us that the gesture of walking can be a poetic political act; the Italian, in turn, discusses the insurrection of language through poetry. Finally, Ailton Krenak (2022), when questioning about time and ancestry, helps to refine our critical reading. From this brief critical background, we read Fróes’s book as insurgency (and urgency) that places us in another temporal dimension, living in poetry that brings together the symbolic field and nature.


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KRENAK, Ailton. Futuro ancestral. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2022. Ebook

NETO, João Cabral de Melo. Obra completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994.

PEREIRA, Edimilson de Almeida. Entre orfe(x)u e exunouveau: análise de uma estética de base afrodiaspórica na literatura brasileira. São Paulo: Fósforo Editora, 2022.

SOLNIT, Rebecca. L’art de marcher. Arles: Babel, 2002.

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How to Cite

Sales, C. de. (2023). A Poetics of Permanence in Leonardo Fróes’ Chinês com Sono. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 33(3), 99–119. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/article/view/41824



Dossier: Poetry and dérive (writing, wandering, dissent)