Hamman’s Aestheticizing Anti-Aesthetics

Effluvia of Pre-Romantic Genius



Hamann, Aesthetic, Genius, Früromantik, Poetry


Considered a hermetic author, Johann Georg Hamann was often associated with philosophical and literary positions influential to the Sturm und Drang movement and as an early critic of the Enlightenment. His reflections on aesthetics, however, were received by the Frühromantik movement and may have provided important conceptual contributions to romanticism. This article aims to analyze how Hamann, in his essay Aesthetica in Nuce, develops a critique of a classicist and rationalist conception of aesthetics at the same time that he presents considerations about an aesthetics based on a relationship between poetry, creation and language. The article demonstrates how Hamann’s anti-aesthetic position favors the construction of an aestheticization that allows the insertion of a concept of genius that is important for understanding the conceptual precedents of the pre-romantic movement.


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How to Cite

Lazzaretti, L. (2024). Hamman’s Aestheticizing Anti-Aesthetics: Effluvia of Pre-Romantic Genius. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(1), 72–86. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/article/view/46438



Poetry and philosophy: the actuality of early German romanticism