
migration, trauma, memory in Postcolonial Mozambique



Madgermanes, FRELIMO, East Germany, Birgit Weyhe, João Paulo Borges Coelho


Between 1979 and 1989, around 20,000 Mozambicans were sent to work in factories in East Germany, under the aegis of cooperation agreements between FRELIMO and the GDR. Madgermanes is how these men and women are called whose migration revealed inevitable similarities with the ancient exodus of enslaved workers, in colonial times, in the mines of South Africa. After a first part of contextualization, the article proposes a reading of the graphic novel Madgermanes by Birgit Weyhe, which contributed to giving international resonance to this long-forgotten story. The concluding part is dedicated to a brief foray into the novel Museu da revolução by João Paulo Borges Coelho: far from the intention of presenting a detailed comparison between the two works and limiting the look to the character of Jei-Jei (former worker in the GDR), the novel is approached as a rare example of reflection on the “stunned memory” of the Madgermanes in the contemporary literary panorama in Portuguese.


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How to Cite

Milani, A. (2024). Madgermanes: migration, trauma, memory in Postcolonial Mozambique. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(2), 139–156. Retrieved from