Savage “Detectives” and Trivialization the of Evil

The Narrative Universe of Belano/Bolaño



Roberto Bolaño, “Detectives”, Coup d’état, Value relativism, Historical memory, Bolaño’s reader


In order to mitigate the damage inflicted by the violence of the 1973 coup d’état, the Chilean post-dictatorship developed a strategy: to relativize the facts. It is a consensual whitewashing aimed at erasing the historical trauma. This operation is revealed – in a surreptitious way and between the lines – in the dialogue that two former police agents of the dictatorship maintain in the story “Detectives”. In this context of mutilations, Bolaño’s art – with knowledge of the world and full management of resources – reinforces its ethical-aesthetic character through the restitution of memory, but also through the alteration of the literary phenomenon since it delegates exclusively to the reader the function of unraveling the truth of a personal and collective history.


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How to Cite

Chandia Araya, M. (2024). Savage “Detectives” and Trivialization the of Evil: The Narrative Universe of Belano/Bolaño. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(2), 29–42. Retrieved from



Dossiê - Aniversário de 70 anos de Roberto Bolaño em 2023