The Cities of Bolaño



Roberto Bolaño, 2666, Feminicide, Capitalism, Cities


Starting from an excursion through the various cities present in Roberto Bolaño’s literature, whose texts build a global mesh, this essay focuses on the violent Santa Teresa, the author’s fictionalization of 2666 from the Mexican Ciudad Juárez. Organized around the maquiladoras, Santa Teresa is taken by bloodshed, especially that of women, as it follows the demanding logic of neoliberalism, in which organized crime, gender discrimination and the predatory use of bodies freely mix. Taking the representation of the brutal murders of women that occurred there, especially in the “Part of the crimes”, we seek to discuss how, in Bolaño’s novel, the violation of female bodies is related to the ferocity of the capitalist system in this city-metaphor of the modern globalized world.


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VALENCIA, Sayak. Capitalismo gore: control económico, violencia y narcopoder. Barcelona: Melusina, 2010.



How to Cite

Paz-Soldán, E. (2024). The Cities of Bolaño. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(2), 43–51. Retrieved from



Dossiê - Aniversário de 70 anos de Roberto Bolaño em 2023