Beekeeping in Columella and Palladius

visada temático-estrutural e estilística



Columella, Palladius, De re rustica, Opus agriculturae, composition, style


This article examines two pieces of technical literature written in ancient Rome. We are referring to the treatises De re rustica (1st century AD) and Opus agriculturae (4th–5th century AD). To begin, we provide the two works listed in terms of their basic structure and themes, with the goal of easing an introduction to the topic examined. Then, focusing on bees, we discuss the importance of honey, which was similar to sugar in antiquity, and beeswax in ancient Rome. Next, we distinguish the organization of the books in the works De re rustica and Opus agriculturae. Furthermore, we reiterate, with a deeper focus, beekeeping issues in both works. We also compare Columella’s style (richer and varied) to Palladius’ (briefer and “objective”) using selected extracts.


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How to Cite

Trevizam, M. (2024). Beekeeping in Columella and Palladius: visada temático-estrutural e estilística. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(3), 120–134. Retrieved from