Reading Mobility Narratives: Locality and Motion in François Bon’s Paysage Fer


  • Pascal Gin Carleton University


Palabras clave:

mobility, locality, literary space


Mobilities have progressively emerged as a primary focus of enquiry for the critical understanding of global structures and processes. This increased awareness is without a doubt a direct measure of the many complexities contemporary mobilities compel us to unpack. While the connections between globalization and mobilities are by now well documented in a number of social and human sciences (namely sociology, cultural anthropology and human geography), less attention has been paid to the potential relevance of a literary inquiry into contemporary mobilities, particularly with respect to works closely attentive to local settings. Focused on François Bon’s Paysage fer (2000), this essay aims precisely to interrogate how the text provides a particularly insightful mobility narrative that intersects with a range of critical issues and prompts a renewed understanding of the coextensive relation between locality and motion.


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Cómo citar

Gin, P. (2012). Reading Mobility Narratives: Locality and Motion in François Bon’s Paysage Fer. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 22(3), 29–55.



Dossiê - Migrações Literárias - Migrações Teóricas, Exercícios Literários