
Ouvrir une session ou (S'inscrire) pour faire une soumission.

Liste de vérification de la soumission

En tant que partie intégrante du processus de soumission, les auteurs doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec tous les éléments suivants, et les soumissions peuvent être retournées aux auteurs qui ne sont pas conformes à ces directives.
  • La soumission n'a pas déjà été publiée et n'est pas considérée actuellement par une autre revue. Si ce n'est pas le cas, fournir une explication dans le champ "Commentaires au rédacteur".
  • Le fichier de la soumission est dans un des formats de fichier suivants : OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF ou WordPerfect.
  • O texto submetido atende a todas as exigências descritas nas Diretrizes para Autores da revista.
  • O texto submetido atende às diretrizes do Código de Conduta e Boas Práticas do COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics): texto do Código em inglês ou sua tradução para o português.
  • O autor ou os autores estão cadastrados na página da Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura e preencheram, em seus perfis e nos metadados da submissão, os itens solicitados, principalmente a filiação, titulação e a ID na base ORCID (

Directives aux auteurs


Code of Conduct and Best Practice

The journal Aletria follows COPE’s (Committee on Publication Ethics) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. All submitted works must comply with these guidelines.

Submission guidelines

Last update: June 2019.

The jornal Aletria publishes original works in its field of expertise: articles on Literary and Cultural Studies; reviews of literary and scientific works in the fields of Literature and Literature Theory published in the current or previous year. The relevance of submissions such as interniews and translations will be assessed by the journal’s editors. Note: the jornal will not accept thesis and dissertation chapters. In case this condition is verified, the text will be immediately declined.

Before submitting works to the journal  Aletria the authors are supposed to observe the guidelines bellow. The compliance with them will be taken into consideration in the review process. If in doubt concerning these guidelines, contact the Publications Sector of the School of Letters of the University Federal of Minas Gerais: (please, mention the name of the journal Aletria in the “Subject” of the message).


  1. To submit articles to thematic dossiers the author must observe the deadlines specified in the calls. Works to the sections “Varia”, “Review” and “Interview”, otherwise, can be submitted at any time.
    2. The jpurmal publishes works written by doctors. They can also submit works in coauthorship with doctoral students.
    3.  Each author or group of authors can only submit one work per issue of the journal. Once the author or group of author has a text published in the journal, they can only submit a new one after a four issues interstice.
    4. The journal will only accept for publication, from each author or group of authors, one work a year. The author or group of authors cannot submit the same paper, simultaneously, to more than one section of the journal. In such cases both submittions will be declined.
    5. The journal publishes works in English,PortugueseSpanish and French.
    6. All authors should be registered in the journal. In case of coauthorship, all authors should be included in the submission metadata.
    7. All authors filliation/institution and academic degree must be informed in the metadata form.
    8. It is also mandatory to inform the ORCID ID ( of all authors in the metadata form, according to the following format: (Note: the s from https:// should be removed).
    9. The work should be revised by the author before the submission. The Editorial Comission, however, reserves the right to perform new revisions and required corrections in the text.
    10. Any supplementary document should be submitted in the step 4 of the submission process. Images, authorization for image reproduction, complete list of references are examples of supplementary documents.
    11. The work – original and never before published – should not be simultaneously submitted to another publication.

IMPORTANT: The authors should keep their e-mails addresses updated in the journal system in order to properly receive our commmunications. They should also be alert to their spam box, in case our messages are considered spam by the e-mail service.

Authorship and affiliation

  1. The submitted document must be anonymous and should not contain any mark of authorship or references that could allow authorship identification.
    2. All citation information regarding works written by the authors of the submission should be replaced by XXX followed by the year, for further identification. The complete references to these works should be supplied as supplementary document (see item 6 of the section “Submission”).
    3. The authors affiliation information (institution, city, state and country) should be supplied only in the metadata form.


  1. Articles should not be less than 7.000 and more than 8.000 wordslong (from the title to the references) and should be composed in paper size A4, typeface Times New Roman, size 12 at single space.
    2. Allowed file formats: .doc, .docx ou .rtf.
    3. The manuscripts must necessarily contain:

    a) Title in the language of the text;
    b) Title in English (articles written in English should have – beside the title in the language of the text – its translation to Portuguese);
    c) Abstract in the language of the text, which length should be not less than 100 and not more than 150 words;
    d) Abstract in English (texts written in English should also have its translation to Portuguese);
    e) Keywords in the language of the text (not more than six). They should be representative of the article content; should neither be too generic (e.g.: “literature”), nor too specífic – in a way nobody would look for them. They are supposed to be objective, short and should not consist of a clause. We recommend including the studied author or work.
    f) Keywords in English (articles written in English should also have keywords in Portuguese);
    g) References according to the ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) format. They should be listed at the end of the text. Only cited works should be included in the references list. See the section “References”.


Reviews should not be less than 1.200 and more than 1.400 words long (from the title to the references) and should be composed in paper size A4, typeface Times New Roman, size 12 at single space.
2. Allowed file fornats: .doc, .docx ou .rtf.
3. Reviews should necessarily contain:

a) Title (the complete reference of the work reviewed, in ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas – format);
b) References according to the ABNT format. They should be listed at the end of the text. Only cited works should be included in the references list. See the section “References”.


  1. Interviews should not be less than 2.000 and more than 4.000 wordslong (from the title to the references) and should be composed in paper size A4, typeface Times New Roman, size 12 at single space.
    2. Allowed file formats: .doc, .docx ou .rtf.
    3. The manuscripts should necessarily contain:

    a) Title in the language of the text;
    b) An opening paragraph introducing the interviewee and the circumstances of the interview;
    c) References according to the ABNT format. They should be listed at the end of the text. Only cited works should be included in the references list. See the section “References”.

Epigraph, acknowledgement, dedication

  1. Epigraphs should be placed right before the text, after both abstracts and keywords. They are not a requisite.
    2. Acknowledgements and dedications – if there are any – should be placed in a footnote or at the end of the text (before the references list), in a section of their own called “Acknowledgement” or “Dedication”.


  1. Figures, graphs and charts should be titled and followed by their sources (if they are not original of the submitted work). The illustrations titles should receive a sequential numbering that will be used to refer to the images throughout the text. The title must be placed above the illustration and the source below it, according to the ABNT format (NBR 6022, 2018).
    2. The illustrations should be in a good resolution.
    3. A maximum of 3 (three) illustrations will be allowed per submission.
    4. The author(s) of the submission must have authorization to reproduce all the images. The authorization(s) must be submitted as supplementary document(s) in the step 4 of the submission process.

Quotations and notes

  1. Quotations should follow the ABNT format (NBR 10520, 2002), which basic guidelines are:

    a) Until 3 (three) lines long quotations must come between quotation marks following the main text.
    b) Quotations longer than 3 (three) lines should appear without quotation marks in a freestanding block, indented 4 cm from the left margin, in font size 10.

    2. Quotations in another language should be translated; the original text should be inserted in footnote. The author of the translation should be informed right after de page of the quotation, according to the NBR 10520 (2002) guidelines. E.g.: (FOUCAULT, xxxx, p. XX, my translation).
    3. Author’s interventions (modifications, insertions) in the direct citation must be marked by brackets – [   ] – (see example at letter “c”, item 6 bellow).
    4. Suppressions in the direct citation must be indicated by [...].
    5. The Latin terms idemibidemop. cit. loc. cit. should not be used.
    6. Citation information must apply ABNT’s author-data format (NBR 10520, 2002), which basic guidelines are:

    a) Indirect citations preceded by the mention of the author’s name: Author’s last name in upper lowcase followed by year between round brackets (page of the citation is optional):
  • g.: According to Elia (1979), Bopp paved the way for the identification of language kinship.
  1. b) Indirect citation without previous mention of the author’s name: Author’s last name in uppercase and year – both between brackets – must be informed following the citation. Citation page is optional.
  • g.: It’s known today that the thesis according which vulgar Latin was homogenous cannot be sustained (ELIA, 1979, p. 42).
  1. c) Direct citations preceded by the mention of the author’s name: Author’s last name in upper lowcase followed by year and the page between round brackets:
  • : As recalls Elia (1979, p. 5, our translation), “[o]ne of the most important outcomes of the method was the genealogical classification of the languages, according to which a group of languages’s led back to its common ancestor [...] of which those languages are stages of differentiations.”
  1. d) Direct citation without previous mention of the author’s name:Author’s last name in uppercase, year and page – all between brackets – must be informed following the citation.
  • : Superstrata are “the languages of conquering peoples that affect the language of the conquered one although not assimilating it”  (ELIA, 1979, p. 110, our translation).
  1. Footnotes:Footnotes should be used for explanatory content and to add the original version of translated citations.


  1. The complete references must be listed in a section called “References” at the end of the text. The references must be organized according to the alphabetic order of their author’s last name. The author’s own works cited should not be included in this list at this point (see section “Authorship and affiliation”, item 2).
    2. References should follow ABNT’s guidelines (NBR 6023, 2018), which basic orientations are:

    a) Book:AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s First Name. Title. Translator. edition (starting from the second one). City of Publication: Publishing House, year of the edition. (Serie/Collection, volume). DOI. URL. Date of access.

  • Printed version:BENJAMIN, Walter. Magia e técnica, arte e politica: ensaios sobre literatura e história da cultura. Translation: Sérgio Paulo Rouanet. 7. ed. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1994. (Obras Escolhidas, 1).
  • Digital version:PEREIRA, Maria Antonieta; REIS, Eliana Lourenço de L. Reis (org.). Literatura e estudos culturais. Belo Horizonte: Faculdade de Letras da UFMG, 2000. Available at: Accessed at: 31 May 2019.

  1. b) Book chapter: AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s First Name. Title of the chapter. In: EDITOR’S LAST NAME, Editor’s First Name (ed.). Title of the Book. edition (starting from the second one). City of Publication: Publishing House, year. First and last pages of the chapter. (Series/Collection, volume). DOI. URL. Date of access.

  • Printed version:CANDIDO, Antonio. O direito à literatura. In: ______. Vários escritos. 5. ed. rev. Rio de Janeiro: Ouro sobre Azul, 2011. p. 171-193.
  • Digital version:RAVETTI, Graciela. O corpo na letra: o transgênero performático. In: CARREIRA, André Luiz Antunes N. et al. (org.). Mediações performáticas latino-americanas. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2003. p. 81-90. Available at: Accessed at: 1 June 2019.

  1. c) Journal article:AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s First Name. Title of the article. Title of the Journal, City of Publiation, volume, issue, first and last pages ot the article, month/semester/season and year of the publication. DOI. URL. Date of access.

  • Printed version:NORA, Pierre. Entre memória e história: a problemática dos lugares. Translation: Yara Aun Khoury. Projeto História, São Paulo, v. 10, p. 7-28, dez. 1993.
  • Versão digital: OTTE, Georg. Hermetismo e provocação: sobre “A tarefa do tradutor”, de Walter Benjamin. Aletria, Belo Horizonte, v. 25, n. 2, p. 209-224, 2005. DOI: Available at: Access at: 3 June 2019.

  1. d) Thesis:AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, Author’s First Name. Title of the work. Advisor: Advisor’s Name. Year of Defense. Number of pages. Type of work (Title acquired by the researcher) – School, Institution, City, year of publication. URL. Access date.

  • Printed version:ÁVILA, Myriam Corrêa de Araújo. Alice through Macunaima’s looking-glass. Advisor: Cleusa Vieira Aguiar. 1986. 104 p. Thesis (Master in Letters – Literature) – School of Letters, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 1986.
  • Digital version:AUAD, Pedro Henrique Trindade Kalil. Teoria da literatura e teoria do cinema: a crise e o fantasma. Advisor: Leda Maria Martins. 2014. 252 p. Thesis (Ph.D in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature) – School of Letters, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2014. Available at: <>. Accessed at: 30 May 2019.
  1. f)For all the other cases see NBR 6023 (2018).

    The hiperlinkscan be kept active.
    4. Lines should not be used to replace author’s name.



Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura reçoit continuellement des articles pour sa section "Varia", qui accueille des travaux à thème libre concernant la énoncé de mission de la revue.


La Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura reçoit continuellement des critiques de livres littéraires ainsi que des critiques de livres scientifiques concernant les domaines de la littérature et de la théorie littéraire, publiées dans l'année en cours ou la précédente.

Déclaration de confidentialité

Les noms et courriels saisis dans le site de cette revue seront utilisés exclusivement aux fins indiquées par cette revue et ne serviront à aucune autre fin, ni à toute autre partie.