Emerging hybrids, biodiversity & human future


  • Dominique Lestel École Normale Supérieure



Mots-clés :

hybrids, animals, machines, technologies


The hybrids of modern times do not indeed settle anymore between animals and machines, but between so-called living machines and already animalized technologies. One of the most dangerous manifestations of this process (which is also the one most overlooked) is that it takes the form of an insidious spell that leads humans not only to being unable to distinguish animals from artifacts, but also to sincerely prefer the latter to the former.



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Comment citer

Lestel, D. (2011). Emerging hybrids, biodiversity & human future. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 21(3), 10–22. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.21.3.10-22



Dossiê - Zoopoéticas Contemporâneas: O Animal e os Limites do Humano