Matthew Gwinne's Nero tragaedia nova: Custom and Innovation in Late Elizabethan England


  • Celia Goodburn


Mots-clés :

Matthew Gwinne, Nero, Elizabethan England, Neostoicism, Montaigne, succession


This paper considers Matthew Gwinne’s Nero tragaedia nova (1603) and how the playwright treats the themes of custom and innovation to explore contemporary Elizabethan politics. The article reads Gwinne’s work in the context of late Elizabethan interest in Neostoicism, and examines how Gwinne deploys the language of Neostoicism to comment on the Elizabethan succession crisis.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Celia Goodburn

Celia Goodburn completed her PhD in History at the University of York in 2016. Her research focuses on the political and cultural engagement with Tacitus and stoic philosophy as reflected in the depiction of the reign of the emperor Nero in the period c.1580-1630. Her research interests include literature and politics in the early modern period, specifically political thought in late Tudor and Early Stuart England. She currently works in digital education in Higher Education. 


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Comment citer

Goodburn, C. (2018). Matthew Gwinne’s Nero tragaedia nova: Custom and Innovation in Late Elizabethan England. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 28(3), 13–28.



Dossiê – A Literatura Inglesa na Idade Moderna