
  • Alessandra Bomfim Usual Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author
  • Aline Alves Araujo Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author
  • Fernanda Vaz de Melo Diniz Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author
  • Marisa Maia Drumond Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author


Felt need, Observed need, Satisfaction


The conception of felt needs has been discussed in literature opposing observed needs. ln general, in health services, the normative need is put before the felt need, and this has motivated the building of new strategies. The purpose of this study was to detect compatibilities and incompatibilities between the expectations of the patients seeking treatment (felt needs) and the professional´s planning (observed need), and the influence of these elements in the satisfaction of both. lnterviews were carried out in a Public Health Center, a private dentist´s office and an insured clinic. Adult patients and dentists participated on this study. Categories regarding the satisfaction of both the patient and the dentist regarding the treatment were established. . lt was concluded that the satisfaction of patients and professionals was not related to the service system, and that the satisfaction of the patients was related to the fullfilment of their felt needs, the explanation about the necessity observed by the professional, and the creation of a bond between the patient and the professional in a way that the patient felt welcomed and cared for. The satisfaction of the professionals was related to the planning and execution of a treatment compatible with the normative and scientific principles, together with the satisfaction of their patient. The welcome of the patients, the attention to their needs, and the planning done by the perception of their felt and observed needs, contributed to the creation of a bond between them and the satisfaction of both concerning the provided treatment.


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How to Cite

FELT AND OBSERVED NEEDS: THEIR INFLUENCES ON PATIENTS´ AND PROFESSIONALS´ SATISFACTION. (2016). Arquivos Em Odontologia, 42(1). https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/arquivosemodontologia/article/view/3399

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