Estudo exploratório sobre a prevalência de traumatismo dentário e obesidade em escolares de 12 anos de idade em Diamantina, Minas Gerais
Dental injury, Oral health, Permanent dentition, Adolescent, Body mass indexAbstract
Aim: The present study sought to investigate the prevalence of traumatic dental injury (TDI) in the permanent dentition of 12-year-old schoolchildren in the city of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, as well as associations with demographic and clinical factors.
Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 101 schoolchildren (46.5% male and 53.5% female) selected from public and private schools. A clinical exam was performed by dentists who had been previously trained and calibrated, adopting the classification proposed by Andreasen et al. The socioeconomic condition was investigated by means of a Brazilian Advertisers Association (ABA- ABIPEME) questionnaire, as regards household income and mother’s education level. Obesity was measured by the body mass index (BMI = weight [ kg ] / height [ m2 ]), by sex and by age. Frequency analyses and the associations tests were also performed (p<0.05).
Results: The prevalence of traumatic dental injury was 33.7%, the main type of TDI was enamel fracture (57.7%), and the most prevalent treatment was aesthetic restoration using composite resin (5.9%). Most children presented only one affected tooth (94.1%), of which the central incisor tooth was the most commonly affected. The TDI in 77.8% of schoolchildren took place more than one year ago. Statistically significant associations were found among males as regards OR – 2.54 (95% CI=1.090-5.951) (p=0.029), overjet OR – 6.648 (95%
CI=2.591-7.057) (p=0.001), inadequate lip coverage OR – 4.977 (95% CI=2.001-12.376) (p<0.0001),
and traumatic dental injury. TDI proved not to be statistically associated with socioeconomic class (p=0.579), mother’s education level (p=0.233), and BMI (p=0.776).
Conclusion: The prevalence of TDI among 12-year-olds was high, associated mainly with gender, and the clinical factors of overjet and inadequate lip coverage, but no associations were found with socioeconomic status or nutritional standards.
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