Assessment of the knowledge of motorcycle taxi drivers about immediate attitudes to dental trauma
Tooth avulsion, Knowledge, Epidemiology, MotorcyclesAbstract
Aim: To evaluate the knowledge of motorcycle taxi drivers from Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil about immediate attitudes regarding dental avulsion and coronary fracture, as well as to verify the consumption of licit and illicit substances and the use of protective helmets.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with a convenience sample of motorcycle taxi drivers registered at the Union of Motorcycle taxi drivers of Juazeiro do Norte. Information on emergency behaviors and possible experiences and attitudes regarding the occurrence of trauma, the use of licit and illicit substances, and the use of closed protective helmets were collected using a questionnaire. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics of the absolute and relative frequency of all variables of the present study.
Results: Of the total number of motorcycle taxi drivers interviewed, 56.3% stated that they had previous knowledge about the concept of dental trauma, 52.1% would not seek out a dentist in cases of the absence of a crown fracture, 58.3% would take the avulsed tooth anywhere, 25% would carry the tooth to the dental office wrapped in a piece of cloth, and 33.3% answered that they would go to the dentist in the same week of the trauma. Intake of licit and illicit substances before work was reported, respectively, by 8.3% and 6.3% of the interviewees, and the use of protective helmets was observed in 41.7% of motorcycle taxi drivers.
Conclusion: This study showed a low knowledge of motorcycle taxi drivers from Juazeiro do Norte about appropriate immediate attitudes concerning the occurrence of dental avulsion and coronary fracture. The use of closed helmets during work was found in a considerable percentage of the drivers. The report of consumption of licit and illicit substances was low.
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