The working hours in the telework contract and its repercussions for the employee


  • Isadora Gonçalves Sena e Silva Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)


In this study, we sought to highlight how the legislator can regress by prescribe rules about new telework relations. For this, through exploratory research, anexploratoryresearch was linked to the World Wide Web to analyze whether there is compatibility between the new legal rules and the reality of these workers. It was found that the damage already experienced by teleworkers today has a legal reinforcement and brought a new task to the employee: the task of registering his work routine to protect his constitutional rights from work.It was also exposed how much uncontrolled working hours can cause harm to the employee, validating all the commitment to demonstrate how the infra-constitutional legislator was wrong to except teleworkers from the hypothesis of controlled working hours.


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Author Biography

Isadora Gonçalves Sena e Silva, Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA)

Pós-graduada em "Advocacia trabalhista, o direito e o processo do trabalho pós-reforma OAB/SP ESA" pela Escola Brasileira de Direito (2020). Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (2018). 




