Ser criança e ser aluno: concepções das professoras do 1° ciclo do ensino básico.


  • Amélia Lopes
  • Fátima Pereira


Infância, Educação Escolar, Aluno/Crinça


A presentation of partial data taken from "Children matter: curricular reorganization of the first basic course and teachers' childhood conceptions" project is made. This project intended to disclose the childhood conceptions emerging from the teachers' speeches concerning their practice. Partial results reveal ambiguous and contradictory conceptions of childhood, linking children´s expression possibilities of subjectivities to beings who do not seem to share the same social category, both outside and inside the school context. The idealization of childhood and its relationship to the structural principles of scholarship are set on a rather symbolic than real domain, and their distance regarding the children's subjectivities and the social practices at school have constituted a suffering factor to both teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Lopes, A., & Pereira, F. (2023). Ser criança e ser aluno: concepções das professoras do 1° ciclo do ensino básico. Educação Em Revista, 25(1). Retrieved from