The Game of Emotions Discourse Analysis of Sports Speaker Pedro Ernesto Denardin

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Cristiane Mafacioli Carvalho
Ciro Augusto Francisconi Götz


This study presents the discourse analysis of the strategies used by Pedro Ernesto Denardin – speaker of Rádio Gaúcha – to refer to, or allude to sponsors of the broadcaster's sports team during the game between Brazil and Costa Rica in the 2018 Russian World Cup, despite commercial limitations determined by FIFA. The following article reflects upon the perspective of the French author Patrick Charaudeau (2010), from the concepts of language subjects and discursive aims, understood in the context of radio as staging, and from the perspective of author Maria Lília Dias de Castro (2008), about promotional speech scrambling practices. To better understand the discursive context and its strategic options, the study makes a comparative analysis with another narration made by Denardin, from the discursive text of the Recopa Sul-Americana match between Grêmio and Independiente, a type of tournament in which the exposure of supporters is not limited.


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How to Cite
CARVALHO, C. M.; GÖTZ, C. A. F. The Game of Emotions: Discourse Analysis of Sports Speaker Pedro Ernesto Denardin. FuLiA/UFMG , Belo Horizonte/MG, Brasil, v. 5, n. 1, p. 73–95, 2021. DOI: 10.35699/2526-4494.2020.29580. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.
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