Mapeamento da evolução do uso e cobertura do solo na Serra do Gandarela a partir de imagens Landsat (1987-2010)


  • Alfredo Costa
  • Ricardo Alexandrino Garcia



Serra do Gandarela, land-use and land-cover change, supervised classification


This work aims to analyze the recent changes in the Gandarela Mountain Range land use and land cover. The region in analysis is located in the northeastern portion of the Iron Quadrangle, in the central region of the State of Minas Gerais, which has become stage of discussion about the viability of existing uses versus possible uses, considering the clash between conservation and exploration. Through remote sensing images, digital cartographic databases, secondary databases, software and field materials, the analysis is conducted based on the evolution of land use and landscape transformation for four periods (1987, 1994, 2003 and 2010). The exercise performed identified a tendency to degradation of natural environments, either by agropastoral practices, by the advancement of forestry, by the urbanizing process, or by the growing interest in the mining area


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How to Cite

Costa, A., & Alexandrino Garcia, R. (2014). Mapeamento da evolução do uso e cobertura do solo na Serra do Gandarela a partir de imagens Landsat (1987-2010). Revista Geografias, 10(1), 8–23.


