Análise comparativa dos mapeamentos de temperaturas obtidos por imagens termais e medidas de campo em Belo Horizonte – MG


  • Jorge Luis Costa Pinto UFMG
  • Fabrício Sousa da Silva UFMG
  • Marcos Antônio Timbó Elmiro UFMG
  • Rodrigo Affonso de Albuquerque Nobraga UFMG



Ordinary Kriging, Temperature and TM/ Landsat-5


Among a vast number of variables used in geoenvironmental models, the temperature stands out due both natural and man-made limitations and modifications. The temperature directly influence the conditions of an environmental habitat. The solar energy/land cover interaction is a key to understand the environment as well as for planning actions to improve or sustain quality of life. For urban environments, mapping the variation of solar energy present in the lower atmosphere can support studies related to human behavior, as well as fauna and flora, and its connections with the space to which they are inserted. Thus, this paper aims to develop a comparative analysis of thermal images of the sensor TM/Landsat-5 and groundcollected data of air temperature in Belo Horizonte-MG for 2008. The results indicate the potential of the TM sensor to provide data capable of representing the continuous variation of urban temperature with average residues of 1.37°C. The analysis considered a rigorous day/time matching control for the same day and time of the field data, which increase the confidence of the proposed model as suitable to support the remote acquisition of surface temperature. It is important to highlight the availability of TM/Landsat data to replicate the model


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How to Cite

Pinto, J. L. C., Silva, F. S. da, Elmiro, M. A. T., & Nobraga, R. A. de A. (2017). Análise comparativa dos mapeamentos de temperaturas obtidos por imagens termais e medidas de campo em Belo Horizonte – MG. Revista Geografias, 107–118.

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