Uso de imagens Rapideye e análise multicritério na construção de traçados para o contorno sul do rodoanel de Belo Horizonte


  • Giovanni Candido Miranda Mestrando em Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais IGC/UFMG
  • Julio Ramissés Ladeia Ramos Mestrando em Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais IGC/UFMG
  • Marcilla Silva Pena Mestranda em Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais IGC/UFMG
  • Marcos Antônio Timbó Elmiro Professor Adjunto no Departamento de Cartografia da UFMG Doutor em Computação Aplicada pelo INPE



Multi-criteria Analysis, RapidEye, Road Planning


This article aims at demonstrating the importance of using medium resolution orbital images combined with multicriteria analysis (MCA) in the decision-making process and in the transport infrastructure projects impact assessment. Using RapidEye images in the construction of land cover maps with a greater level of detail is justified by their spatial resolution of 6.5 meters (nadir) and pixel 5 meters (orthorectified), which made possible the construction of a model for assessing the possible routes for the beltway southern of Belo Horizonte. It has been tested the supervised image classification method MaxVer combined with the decision tree classification in addition to a slope map generated from a digital elevation model (SRTM 30 meters). Finally, it has been built a multi-criteria analysis model that has assigned different weights to the land use classes and slopes, which made possible the generation of two different routes for the Ring Road southern of Belo Horizonte


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How to Cite

Miranda, G. C., Ramos, J. R. L., Pena, M. S., & Elmiro, M. A. T. (2017). Uso de imagens Rapideye e análise multicritério na construção de traçados para o contorno sul do rodoanel de Belo Horizonte. Revista Geografias, 119–130.

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