Secondary contact recreational activities in urban lakes

case of Lake Pampulha




Secondary contact recreation, Urban waters management, Lake Pampulha


Despite its historical and cultural importance, the Pampulha modern ensemble, a World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO, has been suffering the negative impacts of an unplanned urbanization process over water quality, impairing its use for recreational purposes. In view of the demand for the recreational use of the waters of Lake Pampulha and the investments made in the last decades to recover this urban lake, this work aims to evaluate its water quality for secondary contact recreation in order to verify the impacts of the pollution remediation programs adopted. Despite the disclosure of favourable conditions by public authorities, the results of the monitoring of waters between 2012 and 2018 demonstrate that only the PV235 and PV240 monitoring sites were in compliance with the official standards at specific periods. However, these conditions are influenced by seasonal factors, dilution, and microbial decay, leading to unsuitable conditions during the monitoring period. PV230 was systematically unsuitable. Other risk factors associated with intense algal blooms, presence of S. mansoni in transmitting organisms, records of cases of Brazilian spotted fever, and unknown alligator population, are factors that may affect wading and fishing activities.


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2020-04-01 — Updated on 2022-04-15


How to Cite

Lopes, F. A. ., Silveira, J. S., Leite, A. C. ., Piazi, J., & Lopes, N. I. de A. (2022). Secondary contact recreational activities in urban lakes: case of Lake Pampulha. Revista Geografias, 15(2), 42–60. (Original work published April 1, 2020)




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