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Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Revista Indisciplinar

State, institutionality and the interiorization of the political economy in individual production

November 19, 2020
2020-10-23 — Updated on 2020-10-23


This theoretical study aims to reflect on the way in which political economy produces and reproduces society and, in order to do so, it needs to reproduce the individual. We aim to analyze role assumed by the State, or by any form of institutionality, in the reproduction of society. The various confrontations proper to the field of politics are, therefore, absorbed, obscured, or appeased by this State and its art of government, which, with its supposed neutrality and consensual reason, acts for of the annulment of counterpowers and other resistances. In the capitalist mode of production, the State, acting for the capital accumulation process, strengthens the power of capital over labor in times when labor is, tendently, expelled from the productive process. The theoretical contributions on which this reflection is based, although distinct from each other, are moving in the same direction, but in parallel, touching some similar points. Both of them reveal that hegemonic power, in its various forms of manifestation, always seeks for the production of a society in its image and likeness.


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