Social and spatial segregation is one of the most important facets of social inequality as it promotes injustice, both symbolically and economically: land tenure problems came together with greater difficulty in accessing urban services and infrastructure, fewer job opportunities and greater exposure to violence. In this context, it is in the daily life, linked to the appropriation and use of places, that the production of space is effected, in a continuous process of hierarchization and fragmentation, in which the habitus acquires central importance, involving an open system of actions and perceptions acquired from social experiences, both in their corporeal and symbolic dimensions. It is on this subject of study that this article focuses, investigating the invisible dynamics that socially and territorially organize informal settlements, broadening the understanding of territorial dynamics and the appropriation of space. The object of this study is the city of Curitiba (PR, Brazil), specifically Vila Três Pinheiros. The results show a complexity of relationships and spatialities, revealing a kaleidoscope of territorialities, where places overlap in a complex tangle of relationships in which multiple levels of socio-spatial segregation are evident. This allows us to transpose the dichotomous understanding of the formal city x informal city into a less linear and more multifaceted relationship of complex relations.
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