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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Outros mundos: novas subjetividades, novos métodos

The industrial architecture of fortaleza and its (i) material dimension: A study of “Oficinas do Urubu”

January 29, 2022


There are several approaches involving cultural heritage that reinforce architecture as an object endowed with historicity and that it is important to preserve it. In this article, we understand that the experiences - or their absence - between human beings and architecture may contribute to their preservation or, otherwise, to their forgetfulness. In this perspective, we propose a reflection on how we perceive buildings through our senses for we believe that this stage is fundamental to recognize and preserve the place. On the other hand, those obstacles to this relationship can accelerate the loss and estrangement of cultural heritage. To address this theme, we aim to engage in a dialogue between related areas, such as architecture and anthropology, to think about the building and its (I) materiality. Therefore, the discussion unfolds in the analysis of an old manufacturing complex in northeastern Brazil, in Fortaleza, Ceará. The set is known as "Oficinas do Urubu" and, as well as other industrial buildings in the city, it seems invisible in the middle of the urban plot, even with its gigantic proportions. These structures, often isolated from their surroundings by extensive walls, become fragments disconnected from the dynamics of the city. This analysis aims to identify the impact of these historical buildings that are apart from society. We understand architecture as an urban phenomenon that establishes a dialogue with the daily processes that give meaning to the city's practices. Thus, the aim is to create and expand the possibilities of looking, evaluating, and interfering in the industrial heritage.


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