The Ethos of the Writer-speaker and the Jewish-Christian Tradition in The Scripture in A hora da estrela: an Exchange of Speeches and Intertexts


  • Katya Queiroz Alencar Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros



A hora da estrela, Ethos, Intertext


The objective of this study is to examine briefly in Clarice Lispector’s work A hora da estrela (1977) how the ethos of the speaker (Rodrigo S.M.) and of the writer (Clarice Lispector) and a certain kind of ethos of rabbinic and Judeo-Christian cultures’ tradition are exchanged, as evidenced by intertexts present in the work’s narrative. We also briefly discuss how the secularization of some of these ontological-existential and religious speeches occurs in the work. To this end, we’ll base upon concepts of discourse analysis (DA), developed by Dominique Maingueneau, especially the foundations of ethos (enunciative scene, composed by comprehensive, generic, scenographic scenes and also by statements and guarantors).The research is descriptive (documentary), through the qualitative-interpretative method. As result, one is able to certify that the pre-discursive and discursive ethos of guarantors Rodrigo S.M. and Clarice Lispector and the rabbinic and Judeo-Christian ethos in the work’s scripture are built by exchanged intersections of discourses and intertexts, from the perspective of an intricate game language and linguistic and literary strategies that emphasize human communication as a complex process of linguistic, aesthetic and cultural-ideological variables, seized in an enunciative-discursive situation.


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Author Biography

  • Katya Queiroz Alencar, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
    Mestre em Letras, professora do Departamento de Comunicação e Letras da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, UNIMONTES, e coordenadora do projeto de pesquisa em andamento: “Clarice Lispector e o ethos judaico-rabínico na escritura em A hora da estrela: uma interface linguística e literária”.


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How to Cite

The Ethos of the Writer-speaker and the Jewish-Christian Tradition in The Scripture in A hora da estrela: an Exchange of Speeches and Intertexts. (2013). Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 7(12), 58-73.