The formation of the identity of Jews and Palestinians in the media: how was the coverage of the Gaza Strip invasion in 2014 by the main Brazilian newsmagazines
Identity, Pathosformeln, Christian IconographyAbstract
This article seeks to understand how Palestinians and Jews were represented by the pages of the main Brazilian newsmagazines in July 2014, when the operation known as the Protecting Margin took place. For this, the notions of acontecimento (Louis Queré) and framing (Erwin Goffman) were used. In operationalizing such concepts, we use an image and textual analysis based on the principles of Erwin Panofsky and Roland Barthes, as well as the concept of pathosformeln that Aby Warburg developed to understand how an image can survive in the symbolic universe of a certain society. The article concludes that the four newsmagazines presented different narratives for the same event, as well as distinct identities for the actors involved in this event. All magazines used images that evoke Christian iconography.
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