Victor Klemperer and His Book: The Language of the Third Reich
Manipulation, Language, Anti-Semitism, Third ReichAbstract
It is a book of testimonial content published in 1947 in Berlin. It became very well known in the West after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Published in the former GDR did not interest the communist regime. According to Paola Traverso, the Germans came to value the 'LTI' as a way of apologizing to the Jews. Klemperer abandoned his sense of Germanity after suffering all the insults imposed by Nazism.
KLEMPERER, Victor. Curriculum vitae. Recordações. 1881-1918. Tomo I. Berlim: ATV, 1989.
KLEMPERER, Victor. Os diários de Victor Klemperer, 1933-1945. Trad. Irene Aron. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1999.
KLEMPERER, Victor. LTI: a linguagem do Terceiro Reich. Trad. Miriam Oelsner. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1999. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto Editora, 2009.
SCHLESAK, Dieter. Capesius: o farmacêutico de Auschwitz. Trad. Miriam Oelsner. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2015.
TEL AVIV JAHRBUCH FÜR DEUTSCHE GESCHICHTE XXVI, 1997, p. 307-344 – Victor Klemperers Deutschlandbild – Ein jüdisches Tagebuch [Anuário da História Alemã XXVI/1997, p. 307-344 – Victor Klemperer e sua visão da Alemanha – Um diário judaico].
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