Se questo è un uomo

Primo Levi’s topicality


  • Saul Kirschbaum pesquisador independente



Primo Levi., Nazism., Testimonial literature.


Se questo è un uomo, a work published by Primo Levi in 1947, is one of the pillars of Shoah testimonial literature. In this pioneering work, Levi not only detects several of the basic themes related to Nazi barbarism and its regime of terror, but, going beyond this stage, the author offers a careful reflection on the lived experience in the extermination camps, making a real immersion into the most nefarious aspects of the human soul; subsequently, the author published several other works with the theme of Nazism; in view of these characteristics, the body of Levi’s work remains fully current, indispensable for understanding the difficult times we are living in. In this article, we seek to identify and elaborate on some of these themes, which came to be taken up and deepened by other prominent survivors of the extermination camps.


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Author Biography

  • Saul Kirschbaum, pesquisador independente
    Doutor em Letras pelo Programa Língua Hebraica, Literatura e Cultura Judaicas da USP; pós-doutorado pela Unicamp


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How to Cite

Se questo è un uomo : Primo Levi’s topicality. (2022). Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 16(30), 53-84.