Lives Lived, Lives Written
Life and Works of Irit Amiel
Irit Amiel, Shoah, WitnessingAbstract
This paper aims to present the Polish-Israeli writer and poet Irit Amiel and reflect on her biography inseparably linked to her writing, largely autobiographical. To this end, I report the writer's biography through her words, extracted from books and interviews, and use studies about her. As four markers of the biographical report I use the breaking points in the author's life, moments of important transformations that configure the birth of a new personality. Thus the childhood phase ends with the “second birth”, the moment of leaving the ghetto. Another new life, maturity, is marked symbolically with the change of name after arriving in Israel. Finally the time of wisdom and senescence coincides with her debut as a writer at the age of sixtythree. The report is accompanied by a reflection on the trauma of another Shoah survivor, Boris Cyrulnik.
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