The Science and the Shifting Boundaries of Imaginary: Contemporary Fables of Robert Sheckley


  • Alcebíades Diniz Miguel Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Science Fiction, Fantasy Imaginary, Robert Sheckley


The Fantasy, according to some theories – such as proposal by, for example, Todorov – has some continuity and consistency, migrating from the medieval perception of the world to the realm of Science. But the question is not so simple, since the elements of these two fields establish a dialogue whose essence cannot be reduced to a plain upgrade / transfer, since both the medieval fantasy and science fiction are not limited to the neutral and empty forms. Therefore the work of Robert Sheckley provides a rich and large reflection on the Fantasy and its political use, because his narrative scenography, with scientific trace and space set design, gives the message an ironic meaning more directly.


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Author Biography

Alcebíades Diniz Miguel, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Graduado em Lingüística pela Universidade de São Paulo e Mestre em Teoria Literária pela UNICAMP. Atualmente é Pesquisador do NEJ e Doutorando em Teoria e História Literária na UNICAMP.






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LEMARCHAND, Marie José. Prólogo. In: BENEDEIT. El viaje de San Brandan. Madrid: Siruela, 1983.

MALAXECHEVERRÍA, Ignacio. Introducción. In: Bestiario medieval. Madrid: Siruela, 2000. NAZARIO, Luiz. O Expressionismo e o Nazismo. In: GUINSBURG, J. (Org.) O Expressionismo. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2002.

NAZARIO, Luiz. O Golem, o autômato e Frankenstein. In: NAZARIO, Luiz; NASCIMENTO, Lyslei (Org.). Os fazedores de golems. Belo Horizonte: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras: Estudos Literários, FALE/UFMG, 2004.

SHECKLEY, Robert. Inalterado por mãos humanas. Trad. Marcelo Corção. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1970.

SHECKLEY, Robert. Citizen in Space. London: New English Library, 1969.

TODOROV, Tzvetan. Introdução à literatura fantástica. Trad. Maria Clara Correa Castello. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2003.

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How to Cite

Miguel, A. D. (2010). The Science and the Shifting Boundaries of Imaginary: Contemporary Fables of Robert Sheckley. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 4(7), 3–10.