The hebraization of Jewish surnames


  • Damián Dzienciarsky Universidade de São Paulo



Hebrew, Identity, Etnolinguistic


A person’s surname is a constitutive part of their personality, which incidentally allows us to revise and trace their family history. Most people inherit or receive their surname from their parents, which precludes the possibility of choosing one for themselves. However, there are individuals who choose to change their surname for various reasons, such as a change of country of residence or ideological reasons. In the present work I endeavour to explain how the process known as Hebraization took place, from the first mass immigration until a few years after the declaration of the State of Israel. The aims of this research are the revision of the causes that gave rise to this ethnolinguistic phenomenon, the description of the methods utilized for the Hebraization of surnames, and finally an analysis of the relation between names and the identity of a people.


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Author Biography

Damián Dzienciarsky, Universidade de São Paulo

Licenciado em Linguistica pela Universidade de Tel Aviv. Mestre em Lingua Hebraica pela Universidade de Bar Ilan. Doutorando em Lingua Hebraica na Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Dzienciarsky, D. (2010). The hebraization of Jewish surnames. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 4(7), 11–17.