Samuel Rawet's Christless Jews


  • Saul Kirschbaum Universidade de São Paulo



Judaism, Christianism, Samuel Rawet


The recent publication of 3 books, Samuel Rawet: Contos e novelas reunidos (Civilização Brasileira, 2004), Samuel Rawet: fortuna crítica em jornais e revistas (Caetés, 2008) and Samuel Rawet: ensaios reunidos (Civilização Brasileira, 2008), allowed a qualitative leap for the researchers which have Rawet’s work in their horizon, inasmuch as those books offered a comprehensive overview that puts in evidence some characteristics which pervade his work. This article focuses on the ambiguous relationship between the Jew and Christian world, which recurs in Rawet’s fictional work. Even the Jew born in Brazil, perfectly acculturated and integrated, feels threatened in his Jewish particularity, compelled to abandon the last traces which link him to his people’s culture and traditions, and, at the same time, fascinated and attracted to Christianity. In Rawet’s world view, Christianity provokes in the Jew a strong repulsion, simultaneously with a strong attraction


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Author Biography

Saul Kirschbaum, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutor em Letras pela USP, ensaísta e pesquisador junto a Capes (PRODOC). Organizou, em 2007, Dez ensaios sobre Samuel Rawet.


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RAWET, Samuel. Contos e novelas reunidos. (Org. André Seffrin). Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2004.

RAWET, Samuel. Ensaios reunidos. (Org. Rosana Kohl Bines e José Leonardo Tônus). Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2008.

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VIEIRA, Nelson. Jewish Voices in Brazilian Literature: A Prophetic Discourse of Alterity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1995.



How to Cite

Kirschbaum, S. (2011). Samuel Rawet’s Christless Jews. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 5(8), 102–109.