Arnold Schoenberg and The Jewish Question


  • Pérola Wajnsztejn Tápia Universidade de São Paulo



Biography, Judaism, Holocaust


This paper constructs a synthesis of Arnold Schoenberg’s biography as a Jewish man, having his own statements as main source of information. In these writings, the composer deals with the period of his birth in Germany, his poor childhood, the rising of his own geniality, his expulsion from Germany, his life on the United States and his struggle for the creation of the state of Israel.


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Author Biography

Pérola Wajnsztejn Tápia, Universidade de São Paulo

Mestre em Literatura Hebraica pela Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Tápia, P. W. (2014). Arnold Schoenberg and The Jewish Question. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 8(14), 154–169.