The Jewish Presence in Medieval Castilian Courts: the Middle of the 13th Century to the 14th Century


  • Sergio Alberto Feldman Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo



Monarchy, Jews, Middle Ages


This brief article aims to analyze the relationships between three components of medieval Castilian society: the monarchy, the courts and the Jewish subjects. An intricate web of relationships is created in view of the monarchical dependence on the services provided by Jewish subjects and the growing tension of interests of the components of the courts in relation to the privileges, the wealth and the collection of interest carried out by the Jews in the name and in favor of the monarch.


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Author Biography

Sergio Alberto Feldman, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Professor Adjunto de História Medieval na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Graduado na Universidade de Tel Aviv (Israel), Mestre em História Social pela USP e Doutor em História Medieval pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR).


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How to Cite

Feldman, S. A. (2015). The Jewish Presence in Medieval Castilian Courts: the Middle of the 13th Century to the 14th Century. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 9(17), 303–314.