The Second World War Sung: MPB and Carnival

MPB e Carnaval


  • Berta Waldman Universidade de São Paulo



Second World War, MPB, Carnival


At the carnival balls of the early 1940s, you couldn't forget that there was a war. The climate of mobilization and the participation of public bodies in the financial support to the parades of the samba schools contributed so that the most throbbing subjects and bids of the conflicts could serve as a theme for the songs. General matters continued, but they were unable to cover the atmosphere of uncertainty and fear arising from the war. This article analyzes the references to the war in the music of the period.


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How to Cite

Waldman, B. (2020). The Second World War Sung: MPB and Carnival: MPB e Carnaval. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 14(26), 20–35.