Estado Novo, Ideology and Resistance: Jews and Anti-Semitism in Pernambuco




New State, Pernambuco, Anti-Semitism


This article focuses on the analysis of the Jewish question in Pernambuco during the Estado Novo, considering that the dictatorship, with its exacerbated nationalism, provided a propitious ground for the strengthening of discursive constructions and political actions that reinforced stereotypes already existing in the country, like anti-Semitism. In the period analyzed, the Pernambuco interventionist fell to Agamenon Magalhães, which established as its main mission to disseminate the state ideas of the state, defending even the existing anti-Semitism at the federal level. But from official documentation, archival records, and interviews with Jews, we found that, despite the anti-Semitism present in government hosts, the speeches of intellectuals, and the media, there was considerable room for Jews to established in the state and constituted an active community. The period in which Brazil declares war on the Axis and the changes that were generated in Pernambuco related to the Jews are also objects of this study.


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Author Biography

Susan Lewis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Doutora em História pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco e Professora da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.


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How to Cite

Lewis, S. (2019). Estado Novo, Ideology and Resistance: Jews and Anti-Semitism in Pernambuco. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 13(25), 175–188.