Primo Levi

the articulator of memories


  • Claudia Fernanda de Campos Mauro UNESP
  • Flavio Antonio Catalano



Primo Levi, Memory, Auschwitz


This article establishes the poetic and aesthetic steps of the articulation of memory in the work “Is this a man?”, by the Italian author Primo Levi. In the work, Levi seeks to establish mnemonic paths to, through the memory of his period as a prisoner of the concentration camp in Auschwitz, denounce the atrocities of the German extermination factory against Jews, in World War II, through the eternalization of his testimony in a work poetic. Through his outrage at the horror, Levi narrates the engineering of Nazi death, to show that the Holocaust was a complex system of human execution through a painstaking process of dehumanization and deconstruction of all traces of dignity of prisoners in camps. of concentration.


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Author Biography

Flavio Antonio Catalano

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Literários da UNESP - FCL - Campus de Araraquara


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How to Cite

Mauro, C. F. de C., & Catalano, F. A. (2022). Primo Levi : the articulator of memories. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 16(30), 17–34.


