The mutilated’s silence

the philosophy of non-speaking in the Primo Levi Literature of testimony


  • Thiago Felicio Barbosa Pereira
  • Luizir de Oliveira



Silence, Primo Levi, Literatury of Testimony, Memory


This text analyzes how the presence of silence manifests itself in the testimonial literature produced by Primo Levi and is reported in his books, since in his testimonies the Italian writer informs that many survivors of the Shoah put themselves in a position of silence or were silenced in the face of the possibility of narrating what was experienced. Thus, this work starts from the following problem: How is the presence of silence crucial for the construction of memory and forgetting? To answer this question, this text is based on Pollak (1989), Sontag (2015), Benjamin (2012), Wittgenstein (1968) and Kierkegaard (1979).


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How to Cite

Pereira, T. F. B., & Oliveira, L. . de. (2022). The mutilated’s silence: the philosophy of non-speaking in the Primo Levi Literature of testimony. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 16(30), 101–115.


