Jewish-Moroccan Cuisine in Terra úmida by Myriam Scotti and Terra da Promissão by Sandra Godinho


  • Alessandra Conde da Silva



Jewish-Moroccancuisine, Terra úmida, Terra da promissão


This article discusses the poetic value of the Jewish-Moroccan culinary references present in two Amazonian literature novels: Terra úmidaby Myriam Scotti and Terra da Promissão by Sandra Godinho. In the general presentation of the two novels, it is possible to list the references made by the narrators, evoking childhood memories, as seen in Terra da Promissão or memorialistic records of tradition, as can be seen in Terra úmida. For the development of the work we will use the studies of Rene Girard (1990; 2009), Samuel Benchimol (2008), Umberto Eco (2010), among others.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C. da. (2023). Jewish-Moroccan Cuisine in Terra úmida by Myriam Scotti and Terra da Promissão by Sandra Godinho. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 17(32), 2–11.