For Understanding. Against Prejudice

Marcos Faerman, Shalom magazine and the crossroads of progressive Judaism in Brazil




Chronicle, Marcos Faerman, Shalom magazine


Sergio Domingues, Krahô, took the floor and said that no one read anything anymore. It was a department meeting, 2011 perhaps. No, Liam. None of us, we didn't read — really read — anything else. And he continued speaking about the futility of academic life until he declared that reading, in fact, was only read on Facebook, which was where there was writing and listening, that there was life and understanding there. Krahô didn't talk about the production of meanings and intersectionality, he called himself an indigenist and not an anthropologist, he wasn't one for logos, he was for people, a young man from Paraná who went to write in Shalom and then, in his words, became an Indian and to me he seemed to like the people as they present themselves, becoming each of them a little.


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Shalom, revista mensal publicada em São Paulo entre 1965 e 1996. Diretora Patrícia Finzi.



How to Cite

Pait, H. (2023). For Understanding. Against Prejudice: Marcos Faerman, Shalom magazine and the crossroads of progressive Judaism in Brazil. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 17(32), 201–204.