Cintia Moscovich

Food and Jewish Femininity at Why Am I fat, mom?


  • Debora Chaimovitch-Yehoshafat



Food, Jewish Feminity, Cíntia Moscovich


Oral and family traditions are customs and practices within Judaism, including the act of family dining. Food provides a glimpse into people's daily lives, where around the table, family values, collective history, emotions, and traumas are transmitted. Moscovich, a Jewish writer exploring universal values, tends to engage
with the conflicts and traumas of Jews in Brazil. In her book Por que sou gorda, mamãe? she gives voice to the protagonist reflecting on her body and the emotional inheritance from her family. This conflict is intricately linked to the weight she
carries. The book amplifies the voices of women navigating their roles as Jewish mothers and the representation of their bodies influenced by family culinary customs.


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How to Cite

Chaimovitch-Yehoshafat, D. (2023). Cintia Moscovich: Food and Jewish Femininity at Why Am I fat, mom?. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 17(33), 79–89.