“Portbou – deutsch?”

a meeting between Walter Benjamin and Paul Celan


  • Jorge Benedito de Freitas Teodoro FUNIP/ Coordenador




Benjamin. Celan. Poesia. Crítica.


This article seeks to discuss the poem “Port bou – deutsch?”, by Paul Celan, as the possibility of a meeting between the Romanian poet and the thinker Walter Benjamin for the formulation of a word contrary to the conservative forces of hegemonic discourses. In this sense, we approach the criticism made by Jean Bollack to, finally, deconstruct it in favor of a moment signaled by a radical criticism in which historical-literary conservatism is rejected by the words of the poet and the thinker.


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Author Biography

Jorge Benedito de Freitas Teodoro, FUNIP/ Coordenador

Doutor em Letras: Estudos Literários (UFMG); Mestre em Filosofia (UFOP); Licenciado em Filosofia (UFOP).


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How to Cite

Teodoro, J. B. de F. (2024). “Portbou – deutsch?”: a meeting between Walter Benjamin and Paul Celan. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 18(34), 225–236. https://doi.org/10.35699/1982-3053.2024.51638