
literary constructions and relationships in the biblical narrative of Exodus, Numbers and Joshua


  • Lucas Merlo Nascimento Faculdade Teológica Sul Americana



Passover, Hebrew Bible, Narrative analysis


This article examines the Passover narratives in the books of Exodus, Numbers, and Joshua in the Bible, investigating their literary relations and significance within their narrative contexts. Employing a close reading approach, the study analyzes how each narrative articulates different nuances and meanings of Passover. In Exodus, Passover is linked to the liberation from Egypt and establishes ritual and pedagogy for the community; in Numbers, the emphasis is on temporality and purity; in Joshua, Passover is celebrated after entering Canaan, marking the end of the liberation process and the possession of the land. The article suggests that the Passover narratives serve as narrative-structural markers of the liberation process, from the exodus from Egypt to the possession of the land, demarcating important transitions in the narrative.


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Author Biography

Lucas Merlo Nascimento, Faculdade Teológica Sul Americana

Doutor em Teologia na área de História, Exegese e Teologia Bíblica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), Docente da Faculdade Teológica Sul Americana


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How to Cite

Nascimento, L. M. (2024). Passover: literary constructions and relationships in the biblical narrative of Exodus, Numbers and Joshua. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 18(34), 107–120.